His Senses Of Nature

How To Treat Stomach Acid With Herbs

Stomach acid or magg is one disease that is often suffered by many people. Stomach acid or magg is a disease that is caused due to excess stomach acid production. When magg relapse usually caused by irregular eating patterns or late eating, sufferers will experience incredible pain due to stomach acid that rises up into the esophagus.

Lots of ways to treat the disease of stomach acid or magg even naturally. But most people prefer drugs that contain chemicals that can be found on the stalls or the pharmacy. If you suffer from stomach acid disease, quickly treated not to diselepehkan. Because if it is a severe disease that this one could cause you to lose lives.

To treat the disease it's good you choose natural medicines, because the drug containing chemicals tend to give the effect of addiction. Then any natural remedy can cure the disease of stomach acid? Here are some natural ways to heal the disease of stomach acid.

How to treat stomach acid/Ulcer with natural materials


Ginger is a spice with which to warm the body. Besides, which are able to make body temperature becomes warmer, it turns out that Ginger has other properties namely can treat disease stomach acid. By consuming ginger can menetralisirkan stomach acid so that stomach acid is not going up. Ginger consumption with a total of 2 to 4grams only, if it exceeds the dose incurred large enough and its impact will aggravate the disease magg.

 2.Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant, this one does have a lot of benefits. Besides being beneficial tothe health and beauty of the body, which are famous for their crops are good for the health of the hair turns out to have benefits to cure diseases naturally magg.
The trick quite easily, by making Aloe Vera juice and consumed after waking, the disease will fade Your magg healed. Content of Aloe Vera is beneficial to dampen the inflammation that occurs in Your stomach.

3. Banana

Bananas in addition to high fiber and good to launch a process of digestion, it turns out that by consuming bananas can stifle the production of excess stomach acid due to the content of substance Antasida. However it should be noted not all people fit to consume a banana as a medicine to cure the disease of stomach acid. If Your disease is considered thus getting worse, stop consuming bananas and try to choose other alternatives.

4. Baking soda

In order for the production of excess stomach acid does, surely we need to consume food or drink which has properties of wet to neutralize the acid. Baking soda is a powder that has a base. Can you use baking powder to treat diseases this soa magg you. It's easy, you can buy the Baking Soda in the store especially stores that provide the ingredients of bread and turn it into a solution. Mix the powder baking soda about 1 teaspoon with a glass of water. Stir until evenly alau drink the solution.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric curcuma or does have excellent benefits for treating diseases of stomach acid naturally. You can make herbal medicine or drug magg by boiling the already chopped turmeric with 1.5 cups of water. Boil until 15 minutes. Add the brown sugar or honey so that it tastes good. After that strain the decoction of turmeric and drink.


  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on stomach acid is good for you

  2. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on stomach acid is good for you


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