His Senses Of Nature

His Senses Of Nature

How to treat the Buran, Chilblains, urticaria with natural remedies

How to treat the Buran, Chilblains, urticaria with natural remedies
Buran or conditions of itching is common and affects more women than men. This condition can occur in patients with any age. Buran could be addressed by reducing risk factors. Discuss with your doctor for more information.

How to treat the Buran, Chilblains, urticaria with natural remedies

Signs and symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms of Buran (Chilblains, urticaria)?

Common symptoms of Buran is:

The scars are red or white on the face, body, arms or legs
The scars of various sizes and shapes

These symptoms often relapse and suddenly, sometimes lasting for months to years.

Chances are there are signs and symptoms that are not mentioned above. If you have fears of a certain

konsultasikanlah symptoms with your doctor.

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The cause of the

What causes Buran (Chilblains, urticaria)?

 1. Food allergies

According to Debra Jaliman, m.d., a dermatologist in New York, Buran can be caused by food allergies as well as certain drinks, such as eggs, shellfish, peanuts, or berries. Red swollen bumps due to Buran could instantly appear shortly after a person eats food allergy triggers, but there's also that takes several hours before symptoms appear.

In addition, the Buran can also be triggered by some additional food ingredients, including artificial dyes and preservatives. If you are one of them, then we recommend that you avoid food allergy triggers. If it has been exposed to Buran, soon be consulting a doctor to get a prescription drug.

2. Outside air

The advent of full-swollen bumps or Buran due to insect bites or exposure to pollen is already well known. However, that is often not realized was the Buran can also be caused by exposure to sunlight, cold temperatures, or strong winds.

It is hence not means you are allergic to the outside air. According to Marilyn Li, m.d., an allergy and Immunology of Los Angeles, it is more to the very sensitive skin condition with numerous weather outdoors.

In addition to avoiding the triggers the itch, your doctor will probably prescribe antihistamines to treat Buran due to changing weather or temperature. That way, you can enjoy summer and winter without worry about being hit by a recurring Buran.

3. Certain diseases

Buran was not just the itching and swollen bumps-swollen bumps in the skin. Because Buran, can also signal the presence of a more serious health problem.

Patients with the disease lupus, lymphoma, thyroid disease, hepatitis, and HIV both have symptoms of hives similar to Buran. However, this type of Buran or urtikarianya belongs to chronic so that it can be overcome with the help of drugs.

According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, 50 percent of cases of chronic urticaria is caused by an autoimmune disease, that is when the immune system attacks the body's own tissues. Thyroid disease is one of the autoimmune disease that most often reported by sufferers of chronic urticaria, subsequently followed by rheumatic complaints and type 1 diabetes.

4. Sweat

Basically sweat does not cause itching. However, the body sweats indicate the body is experiencing a rise in temperatures. For some people, the body's temperature rise both because of sports or a hot bath – it can trigger the onset of hives.

When the sweating, the body produce acetylcholine, yatitu chemicals that inhibit the breakdown of cells. this development can interfere with Acetylcholine skin cells so that the skin becomes irritated and triggers rash.

5. Allergic to house dust mites

Allergy to house dust mite can also be the cause of the Buran. Tumpukkan the dust accumulated in the corners of the House provides a convenient place to stay for this microscopic mite. The dust particle is a collection of some of the wide variety of things, ranging from rerontokan leaves dry, dead skin cells, dirt, insects, carrion, leftovers, fiber, and other garbage.

The mites also live off the dead skin cells that you remove every single day, so from that, one of their favorites is the mattress, spreai, between the seam edge of the mattress, pillows, even in your child's Doll collection.

6. Stress

Research shows that stress is a cause of taro from various physical and mental ailments, including urticaria is excessive Stress can lead to decreased immune system so more vulnerable exposed skin problem IE Buran.

People who experience chronic urticaria or an bekali Buran-times appear for more than six weeks, stress and anger can make the body release histamine. As a result, the body's inflammatory response with red swollen bumps such as gave rise to Buran.

Stress is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as excess sweat production. However, if you are in a hot, humid environment, or the circulation of air is not smooth, sweat will thus trapped within the layers of skin and can not evaporate.

This will then give rise to a cause of perspiration on the skin feels itchy. The following is the sweat does not endanger, but up truly missing from the skin's surface you usually takes at least two weeks.

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8 ways Redden Lips Naturally 
How To Remove Grey Hair

Drug & Treatment 

1. Antihistamine

Taking an antihistamine pill as Buran became effective ways to prevent itching. In addition, antihistamines also block the release of histamine by the body that triggers the appearance of symptoms of the Buran. Usually the doctor will prescribe a variety of antihistamines such as:

  • Loratadine (Claritin)
  • Cetirizine (Zyrtec)
  • Fexofenadine (Allegra)
  • Desloratadine (Clarinex)

If all four types of antihistamines is not enough help, usually the doctor will increase the overdose. In addition, doctors will also try other types of antihistamines which have the effect of sleepy so itching little alleviated with beds. Examples of these drugs include Chlorpheniramine (CTM), hydroxyzine pamoate (Vistaril), and doxepin (Zonalon).

Don't forget to talk to your doctor if you are pregnant and breast feeding conditions, have another medical condition, or are taking certain medications.

2. Tan lotion calamine lotion

Lotion calamine lotion helps relieve the itch by giving effect to the skin. You can use the lotion calamine lotion directly onto the skin by way of:

  • Shake lotions so racikannya well blended.
  • Pour the lotion into the cotton.
  • Apply cotton to leather to Buran and let sit until dry.

3. The medicine antiradang

Oral corticosteroids such as prednison can help reduce swelling, redness, and itching. This medication usually is prescribed to control chronic and Buran are used only in a short period of time. Because of this, the drug has serious side effects if consumed in a long time.

4. An antidepressant

Trisiklik antidepressant doxepin (Zonalon), usually used in the form of creams that can help relieve itching. This drug may cause dizziness and drowsiness so itching you a little sidetracked with sleep.

5. Omalizumab (Xolair)

Omalizumab is usually given by the way is injected into the skin. This medication will be prescribed if you are experiencing severe Buran occurred for months or in a matter of years. The most common side effects are headache, dizziness, and sore inner ear.

Treat urticaria by addressing the cause factor important to control his condition.

Treatment at home

1. cold Compress

Compresses an unused part that Buran with ice or cold water can help relieve irritation and itching. You can mengompresnya by way of wrapping the ice cubes in a towel and compress on the part that feels itchy. Let stand for approximately 10 minutes and repeat if it is still itchy.

2. Avoid products that could irritate the skin

Some types of soap making dry skin so Buran makin feels itchy.  If you are experiencing Buran, try to use a special SOAP sensitive skin.

Usually this type of odorless SOAP and use a lot of other chemicals that can trigger irritation. In addition to the SOAP, you also need to avoid various lotions and moisturizing the skin can trigger irritation. Again, try to choose a product specially for sensitive skin.

3. Wear a loose dress

Use loose clothes that make skin experience the Buran can breathe and body temperature remains cool. Instead, wearing tight clothes can thus make the skin feel itchy irritation because even the more skin stressed by the clothes You wear.

In addition, select clothes from cotton absorbs perspiration to avoid excess humidity. A humid environment makes the bacteria growing in the skin and any skin so itchy.

It is important for you to know the cause of the Buran. For example, whether due to food allergies, dust, air, drugs, or due to insect bites. From there, you can avoid the triggers that cause Your hives condition appears.

Another thing to watch out for while experiencing an itchy condition:

  • Avoid scratching or using harsh soaps
  • Make a note of when and where the condition occurs, what you're doing, and so on. This can help you and your doctor to identify the risk factors
  • Avoid triggers
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How to whiten the face Naturally within 3 days

How to whiten the face Naturally within 3 days
His Sense -powerful ways to boost confidence in particular the women, one of them is to have a white facial skin clean and radiant. There are many ways that can be done for the sake of got the expected results in a fast time, but mostly how to whiten the face it wears a drug with ingredients not natural and is not secure because it contains chemicals. As a result if the way these are used fast or slow likely will develop side effects that are not good for the health of the skin that will be felt.

So it would be highly recommended for those of you who really want to get my facial skin is bright, clean, white and definitely healthy, we recommend that you follow the following tips, some tips that will make your face more white and clean with the use of natural ingredients and is very easy to do. This is the ways that can make your skin white quickly within 3 days:

How to whiten the face Naturally within 3 days

1. With Lemon

Lemon is a fruit that is often used as the base material for natural beauty products. That makes the potent lime juice in skin whitening is vitamin C. Vitamin C contained in lime is very high and well used because the source natural. There have been many proved that vitamin C, this will make the skin more and white, toned and smooth as well as being far more natural antioxidants to neutralize substances that are always worse in the skin. There is also a bond of L on every molecule of lime that is useful in illuminating the skin color naturally.
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How to use it there are two options, you can run both or select one of them.

How to whiten the face with lemon:

a. you can take with it first into the juice and mix it with a little sugar so as not too acidic, then it could be drunk. If you don't want to mix the sugar, you can use other alternatives by mixing honey or sweet fruit such as mango.

b. can you make a lime as a mask by first sliced thin, could you paste the lemon slices or you can squeeze more juice, water and brush lemon to all parts of your face. In order to get the more perfect you can mix water juice of lemon with an egg whites stirred, practise two times in a day, you will see a significant change within 3 days and get more fantastic results if do every day within 1 week. Carefully so as not to exposed eye.

2. With water rice

Rice has a very content potential, including:

-vitamin A
-vitamin C

The content is the fourth natural antioxidants that are able to minimize the toxins in the body because of the many free radicals.
But the reduced content of nutrients is caused when the rice is washed. The levels of vitaminpun such as vitamins B1, B3, vitamin B6, phosphorus, manganese, fiber up to iron reduced start 50% to 80% due to join a late time of leaching.

Rice also has deposits of oryzanol is effective as an antidote to radiation which is harmful to the skin caused by ultraviolet light. A portion of the content of the program also reduced when washed. So here it could be understood that water washing rice have excellent content for skin health.
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How to whiten the face with rice water:

After water washing rice is available, clean your face first with warm water and then pat dry with a clean towel, then you can simply wash your face with water washing rice last and leave on for 15 minutes or overnight. You just need to clean your face afterward with the usual facial SOAP you use. You can do it twice a day.

3. With honey

Honey is much liked by children because of the sweet taste, our dewasapun also love it. In addition to the sweetness and delicious, honey has antibacterial properties. So honey could be a barrier to the entry of the bacteria to the skin and in the body. The content of antioxidants in honey is also quite good, beneficial antioxidants makes the skin firmer and look youthful.

How to whiten the face with honey:

a. use a facial mask with honey and egg white.

Egg white lysozyme, is content to have bioenzim that can help the skin becomes sterile and egg whites can normalize levels of excess oil on the skin of the face naturally.

You can mix the honey and egg white with a rate that you can customize your own (generally 1 egg 1 tablespoon honey mixed in). Stir until evenly distributed. Then the mean circulation jerky face then let sit for 15-20 minutes. Wash clean afterwards.

b. Use a facial mask with honey and milk.

Pure liquid milk has vitamin A and vitamin D that bemanfaat makes the skin softer. Beta hydroxy acid in milk helps in turn dead skin cells with new skin cells. And a healthy and toned skin can be obtained from iron, phosphorus and calcium contained in milk. Lactic acid is the nutrients in milk can moisturize the skin with natural. The face also will be far more white milk have protein and antioxidants.

For consumption you can with drinking a mixture of honey and milk directly or use a mix of both these materials as a mask. Both will run better. And feel improved within 3 days.

5. With olive oil

Olive oil is an oil that is rich in nutrients, the nutrients contained therein is very beneficial to skin health. Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin K contained in olive oil simply applied quite tall so that helps in increasing the brightness of the skin of the face. The content of omega 3, 6 and 9 as well as iron contained in olive oil both in supporting healthy skin, and are able to regenerate skin cells that have been damaged.
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The best olive oil you can choose olive oil is pure and free from chemicals, usually the most pure and complete his nutritional is olive oil-extra virgin olive oil.

How to whiten the face with olive oil:

a. use a mask of pure olive oil, that is to say without any additional other materials. You can simply greasing to all parts of the face before you flush with warm water. Make sure your hand in a sterile State, after dioles you can slowly massaging your face. Let stand approximately 15-20 minutes.

b. Using a mask of olive oil mixed with egg white. How to use it any time as above, however the difference is when this mask is prepared ahead of time, stirring between olive oil and egg whites until evenly distributed.

c. Use the olive oil mask dimix with yogurt. Yogurt is fermented products have lactic acid content which is good for making a brighter face.

5. With olive oil

Olive oil is an oil that is rich in nutrients, the nutrients contained therein is very beneficial to skin health. Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin K contained in olive oil simply applied quite tall so that helps in increasing the brightness of the skin of the face. The content of omega 3, 6 and 9 as well as iron contained in olive oil both in supporting healthy skin, and are able to regenerate skin cells that have been damaged.

The best olive oil you can choose olive oil is pure and free from chemicals, usually the most pure and complete his nutritional is olive oil-extra virgin olive oil.

How to whiten the face with olive oil:

a. use a mask of pure olive oil, that is to say without any additional other materials. You can simply greasing to all parts of the face before you flush with warm water. Make sure your hand in a sterile State, after dioles you can slowly massaging your face. Let stand approximately 15-20 minutes.

b. Using a mask of olive oil mixed with egg white. How to use it any time as above, however the difference is when this mask is prepared ahead of time, stirring between olive oil and egg whites until evenly distributed.

c. Use the olive oil mask dimix with yogurt. Yogurt is fermented products have lactic acid content which is good for making a brighter face. ...

How To Lose Weight Naturally

How To Lose Weight Naturally
How To Lose Weight Naturally
Have an ideal body weight is certainly not something that's fun, especially if we are someone very perfectionist against appearances. Of course we will strive hard to figure how to lose excess body weight in order to support the appearance in public.

In addition to the issue of appearance, obesity is also having an impact is not good for health, such as trigger the onset of stroke, heart, hypertension, respiratory, fertility, etc. So it is important to have an ideal body weight to avoid these diseases stood to our agency.

Before discussing about how to lower the body's good, of course we know it used to be the causes of the occurrence of obesity or overweight. Some of the diatantaranya as follows:

1. Genetic factors

The genetic factor is the factor that most often leads to obesity. A person who inherits a fat gene from parents will have a great chance of obesity as well.

2. Side effects of drugs.

Drugs such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptic drugs, steroids, diabetes drug, and an inhibitor of beta are some drugs that can trigger the onset of weight gain.

3. Pregnancy

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy may increase the appetite so it can affect weight gain.

4. The increase of the age

The more we get someone, then the system will lead to decreased metabolism, it can increase the risk of increasing weight.

After knowing the causes of obesity above, how to lose weight naturally?

How To Lose Weight

1. avoid Supper

Consuming food at midnight hours can trigger the onset of obesity. This is due because after consuming the food, we tend to will sleep the body's sake that we're not doing any activity. This resulted in the fat and calories due to the intake of foods that we consume accumulates in the body.

2. Eat Healthy Snacks

Snacks is one of the causes of gaining weight, so it is very important for you who like snacking to choose appropriate snacks. Snacks such as gelatin or pudding is the best option when you are running the program on a diet. In addition, this snack is also capable of waging the digestive system.

3. Sports

We both know that the people who run successful diet program always doing sports every day. For those of you who may be just starting out, start with mild exercise such as walking in the morning, cycling or gymnastics.

4. reduce portion packed

Portion packed certainly is one of the main causes of fatty buildup, so it's important to reduce portions to eat if you want to immediately get an ideal body weight. A healthy diet is to reduce the portion of the meal, not by not eating at all. This is because our bodies need energy to run the day-to-day activities.

Start reducing the portions you eat starting from 10-20% of the portion before.

5. Consumption of foods high in fiber

High fiber food with very good diet program to help you. Foods high in fiber is not digested by the body directly. Foods with high fiber is foods that nourish the digestive system, so from now on perbanyaklah fruit and vegetable consumption.

More or less like that tips to lose weight naturally. Keep the pattern of life and our diet so that the fat in the body do not accumulate.

8 ways Redden Lips Naturally

8 ways Redden Lips Naturally
8 ways Redden Lips Naturally
Red lips merona becomes attraction for a woman. With a red lip color more makes women look beautiful at maximum, and a concern for many people. No doubt by having a healthy red lips, makes women appear more confident.

A variety of ways can be done to make the lips red break forth with quick results, one of them with a live beauty treatments by issuing costs are expensive, of course. Not only whiten the face alone who need extra care, some people even embroider their lips just to brighten and Redden the lips. But it is very painful and risky for health.

It would be more worthwhile you use natural ingredients to Redden the lips, because it is extremely safe for the health of the skin of the lips. By using this way is also very quick to Redden the black lips with the terms You have to be consistent to do this naturally lip care.

Lots of ways to make your lips pink blushes. One of which is by way of Redden lips naturally. Rouge lips like lipstick can only Redden the lips for a few moments just to make your lips pink breaks, but using Your lips lipstick red not permanently. A natural way to Redden the lips could use fruits or other natural materials.

Before we discuss what natural ingredients get to Redden the lips permanently, you also need to know the causes of why lips become black. the main cause lip black IE due to lack of care for lips with maximum. Red lips already if not cared for properly then gradually will be black and not red blushes again.

Small sample alone if you don't clean your lips after using makeup, then often holding part of the lips can also cause the lips being black. the active smoker is also one of the causes of the lips being black. Lip care in a natural way so that the lips are not actually black is very easy, simply clean the lips before using makeup at night before retiring. How to Redden the lips naturally have to use the right ingredients that are safe for your lips. By using more natural materials is recommended because it is more safe and cheap.

The following are some of the few natural ingredients that you can use to Redden the lips with natural and permanent way so that it looks red, bright and looks healthier.

How To Redden The Black Lips With Natural Materials

1. With Lemon

In addition to being a natural herb for the treatment of facial acne, and lime juice can also be used as natural ingredients to Redden the lips. The way is as follows:

  1. Prepare the juice of the lime juice 2 – 3 tablespoons
  2. Then mix in a little warm water into it.
  3. Then apply on your lips thoroughly and let stand approximately 17 minutes.
  4. afterwards rinse using warm water, do it this way a day 1 to 3 times to get the maximum results.

2. With butter

How to clean your lips with natural and permanent way can also be using butter. Margarine or butter is also commonly referred to as many contain natural oils that can hydrate the lips and helps restore the natural color of the lips become red. The trick is also quite easy, that is by applying butter on the lips evenly every morning and night, before moving on to sleep lest get maximum results.

3. With honey

Honey is a natural ingredient that has lots of benefits, one of which was to get rid of blackheads on the nose of the stone. not only that, honey can also be used to make the Black Lips became Red breaks naturally. You can make use of them by taking a little bit of pure honey, then rub it on the lips evenly. This way will be effective if you use before bed at night. You can do this way 2-3 times a day so getting maximum results.

4. With avocado

Avocado has many benefits for health and beauty, one of which can be used to Redden the lips. they are also very easy to be obtained. The way is set up slices of avocado fruit to taste only. then puree until creamy, then add a few drops of olive oil into it. After that it is ready to use for rubbing on your lips carries with it a fine massage, if a place is enough, then let sit for a moment and then rinse using warm water.

5. With rose water

The roses are usually used as a garnish also has many benefits. one that is able to Redden the lips naturally.

  1. The way is by applying rose water that has soaked for approximately 15-20 minutes, and then apply it on the lips until evenly distributed.
  2. Then after that rinse thoroughly using warm water.

6. With oil Almod

How very easy lah, by applying almond oil on the lip area until evenly distributed. In addition to restoring the lips become red blushes, almod oil is also beneficial to keep the moisture of the lips, so that the lips are not easily dry out. Oil is the best ingredient Almod to restore your lips so red blushes like when you are a teenager. You can buy oil almod in supermarkets nearby.

7. With Yogurt

Yogurt is not only good for the health of the body, but is also very good for facial beauty. His way with consume yogurt and applying yogurt to the lips evenly. doing it this way 2-3 times a day in order to get maximum results.

8. With Pomegranate and citrus fruits

Oranges contain Vitamin C which is able to Redden the dark lips and looks cleaner. While pomegranates contain Anthocyanins which are able to change the color of your lips become bright red and permanently.

  1. Here's how Blander 2-4 sliced oranges and mix some of the pomegranate fruit.
  2. After being cast, kewadah juice then freeze into the fridge.
  3. After the ice cubes, gently rub it on your lips approximately 3-4 minutes.
  4. Do this in the morning on a regular basis in order to get maximum results.
In addition to how to Redden the lips, the thing that is also very important to take care of the lips every day is so that spared from the rift and chapped lips. To keep your lips remain a natural red, and you need to prevent Your blackened lips. You can put toothpaste on the lips, do it this way every time before showering. The following are some tips that we have auto summary to prevent black or dark colored lips.

  1. Quit smoking, stop smoking immediately! tobacco and smoke Your suction will make your lips dark and blackened.
  2. Avoid using the wearing of lipstick in time too long. You should also avoid using lipsticks with various brands, try to use one brand of lipstick only. The use of different types of lipstick continuously will make your lips be damaged.
  3. Make it a habit clean lipstick traces after activity. You can also put honey on the lips of every day at the time of going to bed to keep the lips in order to remain healthy.

So how fast Redden lips naturally and permanently can you should be at home. Do the above Tips consistently so that get the maximum results. so you no longer need to undergo lip care or with expensive lipsticks just to get red lips meronah. Hopefully the above will help you to Redden the lips naturally.

How To Remove Grey Hair

How To Remove Grey Hair
How To Remove Grey Hair
Many people are still under 40 years old, but already happening premature aging on him. Although naturally will indeed grow old by itself, but the old before his time certainly unwelcome. This is because it will have an impact is not good for your health, appearance, and performance in work certainly feels very unpleasant.

One example of the symptoms of premature aging is graying or grow grey hair at the scalp. Even accompanied other disorders such as memory decline, staminta easily exhausted, often sick and bone joint problems. The main causes of grey hair is the declining human growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Well, to that, immediately pick your hair gray hair at a young age with natural materials as follows.

How To Naturally Overcome Hair Gray Hair Early On

1. Leaves Shoes

Leaf shoes that contain polyphenols and Saponins are beneficial to cope with grey hair. Enough to provide shoes to taste leaves and wash clean. Then, puree the leaves and add a little shoe. It was only screened for stored in a sealed bottle. You can also provide a little juice of orange juice to be more optimal. Use the herb leaves shoes as apply in the hair, wait 30 minutes and rinse clean.

2. Flower Shoes

Besides the leaves, you can also use the flower that is able to eliminate grey hair at the hair. Take several strands of petal shoes and blend afterwards. Heat coconut oil in approximately 200 ml, and mix those flower shoes into coconut oil. Allow the oil to cool and store the herb on the bottle. At night use for smearing the hair from roots to ends.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural herb that is pretty powerful in addressing the problem of white hair at a young age. You just membalurkan coconut oil and memijatnya on top of the scalp, so make your scalp feels more moist and stay healthy. In addition, coconut oil also contains antioxidants that are able to prevent gray hair grow back. Therefore, there is no harm in using coconut oil is cheaper this festive.

4. Pecan Oil

Try applying the Pecan as a natural ingredient in exterminating gray hair on the head. The first step of the roasted pecans, then puree until oil comes out. You can directly apply to the scalp hair until evenly distributed. Let stand about 15 minutes to allow the content of pecan oil seep into, then rinse using plain water to clean. Do regularly because Pecan can take care of the health of the hair.

5. Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds are utilized to eliminate gray hair early on. To use the papaya seeds you need to just clean the seeds from papaya fruit and wash to clean. The papaya seeds are roasted, then mashed papaya seeds already roasted peanuts last until smooth. Add a little coconut oil to taste until evenly blended, then apply it thoroughly into the hair. The lid using a towel and let stand for about 2 hours, then rinse until clean.

How To Overcome Insomnia

How To Overcome Insomnia
How To Overcome Insomnia
Sleep is vital to our body's needs. Lack of sleep or get the sleep that are not qualified will make our body's health is compromised. Seseoarang that less sleep will increase the risk of heart disease which is exposed to the disease a killer number 1 in the world.

In addition if we don't sleep in 3 days, then it will interfere with the workings of the metabolic and hormonal systems in our body. But there are times when starting sleeping became difficult for some people because of experiencing insomnia. This time we will share tips on how to cope with insomnia so that you sleep better and healthier body.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a disorder insomnia night. A person who experiences insomnia will have irregular sleep cycle. Because insomnia is one, many people are more prone to attack the disease.

Causes Of Insomnia

There are several factors cause insomnia, among other things, such as stress or worries drug consumption, excess, too many naps, often consuming food/drinks a stimulant. then how does overcoming insomnia this difficult?. In fact it is not, in fact it is very easy to overcome insomnia as long as it is done with consistent and earnest.

Here's 9 ways of overcoming insomnia easy and effective we quoted from several sources.

How to overcome Insomnia easy and Effective

1. Taking sleeping pills

The simplest way of taking sleeping pills, but it is strongly recommended to consume herbal remedy, because of course the chemical drugs can cause side effects for health if the consumption for the long term.

2. Choose color décor right

The color of decorations play an important role in a person's psychology. People will be more comfortable and quiet nature of the room if it is colored according to the color they like. As a suggestion, you can choose the color of light blue and light green. Because of the color of this one more quiet, relaxation, fun, peace, and filled with hope. In addition to lighting we can choose the lights Dim and calm like the color beige for who can not sleep without lights. But if you want more effective, turn off the lights of the room in order for faster sleep and wake up in a fresh State.

3. Select the appropriate mattress

Experiencing insomnia, one of which can also be caused due to inappropriate mattress lho guys. Like if You buy a new mattress, the mattress is too bantat, and many more. Make sure the mattress that you used to sleep it is comfortable and not give excess pressure on the body. Please check with You to lie down on the mattress. Whereas when you're lying down feels like standing, the mattress is comfortable means. A comfortable mattress not only were able to eliminate insomnia, but comfortable mattress is also good for shoring up the bones and prevent disruptions on the back.

4. reduce excess light

According to one health journal that comes from the United States, around 40% of the population of the country are experiencing difficulty sleeping due to the sparkling lights. Even the survey also mentioned that 10% of people who sleep with the lights on, they will be exposed to a higher risk of certain diseases. Thus reducing the light output could be a way of overcoming insomnia sleeplessness is effective. If necessary switch off the lights so that You can get sleep sleep more soundly. In addition note also the existing window blinds in your room, make sure the curtains are always enclosed in order for light vehicles from the outside does not cause your sleep being disturbed.

5. Move the clock

The clock in the room is indeed good enough to remind us of when bed time, but about 50% of people experience insomnia due to the wall clock, especially for large wall clocks.

Therefore, move the wall clock to another place can also be a way of overcoming insomnia sleeplessness is effective, but if you are the one who disciplines, please replace this with a smaller size and quiescent tik tak tik tak as I belong to.

6. Electronic device

I was so busy in the world of work, we often put some of the electronic equipment in his bedroom. Such as the television and the computer. Although it is not lit, the electronic tool still cause disruption hard to sleep at night. Not only two tools alektronik that alone you need to keep, but the gadget or mobile phone should also immediately You move. Now that is an awful lot of communities who bring their gadgets. The existence of this phone in my opinion is very interfere with, because when the message enter phone'll definitely reads. Even though it is turned off, sometimes the light output of these phones make us want to play it for a bit.

7. Keep your tidiness

How to overcome insomnia insomnia is by maintaining a tidy bed. Indeed the tidiness it is trivial, but for a man it is the most incredible thing. Because it is very rarely a man capable of keeping the room tidy. Some experts from the University of Havard argued that the men's room is a mess, make them more at risk of experiencing insomnia by 25% from the community generally. Therefore, eliminate insomnia also could do with tidying up the bed. Like tidying up her clothes, tidying sepray beds, etc.

8. Keep the freshness of the air

Kersegaran air is definitively determine the quality of your sleep. the air is dirty and full of pollution is very bad for the quality of sleep, even can cause disorders of the respiratory system. Very important kirannya You always maintain the freshness of the air. If your room is tightly closed, please open a little window to let the fresh oxygen can enter into the room. Better yet if you also address the insomnia with an air purifier. By using such a device for 30 minutes, you will get quality sleep.

9. Don't eat before bed

Eat it is trivial, but I suggest you not eat 45 minutes before bedtime. Because when you consume food into the body, the stomach will be more active in the digest food. So munculah the symptoms of insomnia or sleeplessness. It's good You avoid eating at least 60 minutes before bed at night. Instead, please consume 4 glasses of plain water only.

10. avoid caffeine consumption

The coffee is absolutely not good for the quality of your sleep, because coffee contains caffeine which is able to make us experience insomnia. Especially for the kind of thick black coffee. Therefore, how to overcome insomnia sleeplessness the latter I suggest you avoid the consumption of coffee. At least avoid coffee about 5 hours before you sleep at night.

5 ways to cope with Oily Skin face

5 ways to cope with Oily Skin face
5 ways to cope with Oily Skin face
Have an oily face skin is certainly not a pleasant thing, besides uneasy because of the distracting appearance, face is also easily affected by acne. This is caused by dust or germs that stick to the oily face.

Many to mention if someone has the oily face then that person will have a more youthful face. It is because of our facial skin always moist and not easily kriput and dry, though there has been no research that proves things are. However one clear, oily faces that have peresentase the incidence of acne disease.

In addition, one of the obstacles for women who have an oily face when wearing makeup and face already removing the oil, then the diwajah will make up a mess and make face even looks like a clown, hehe. This is the kind of thing that often makes women become uneasy and not have oily face pede.

Some Causes Of Oily Face

1. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in the body is one of the causes of an oily face. Usually someone at puberty or are pregnant will experience an inefficient provision of hormones so that the skin produces excessive oil.

2. Wrong Select beauty products

It turns out beauty products skin not forever is great for your skin, because if the wrong in choosing beauty products then it is not impossible to make your skin become oily. We recommend that you first understand your skin type do not origin using products that have not been trusted and thinking with insistence on the ads scattered.

3. excessive Stress

Not only does stress trigger you into depression, but it can also make your oily facial skin. As long as we stress the body produces excessive oil on the skin, this is caused by a form of response to stress.

4. reduce the fatty foods

Consume excessive fatty foods is not only bad for your body condition but this also could trigger face become greasy. Reduce meal-the food is greasy, sukur-sukur could be avoided.

5. The offspring

Whether your family face oily? If Yes, then it could be the cause of the excess oil on your face is heredity.

6. The weather

One of the causes of oily face is weather. Turn of the weather that cause temperature increases will make the skin produces excessive oil to keep the kelembabannya.

Well, for those of you who have oily face don't need to go to remove only oil kesalon diwajah, because in addition to the perawatanya the way, is also not necessarily successful and may have side effects against the skin of your face. Such as irritation in the face.

Natural way to remove oil in face you can do to fix the problem on this face.

How to remove Oil on face Naturally 

1. Clean your Face

The first way to address excessive oil on face then you are required to diligently clean your face at least two three times a day. Because if you are not diligent to clean, pollution and dust that clings to diwajah will clog the pores of the skin so that it will give rise to Acne on the face. We recommend using herbal SOAP so that your face skin free from harmful chemicals.

2. with the egg white Mask

The egg white is a very powerful natural ways to eliminate permanently diwajah oil, egg whites are also useful for removing blackheads on the face quickly. Any way of making it so easy that is separate between yellow and white egg then grab puithnya only. Beat the eggs until frothy and instantly make the mask, then wait approximately 25 – 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly using warm water. For best results use free-range chicken eggs. Doing it this way on a regular basis in order to yield maximum results.

3. Apple Mask

Apple is a type of fruit that is rich in benefits because the content in it is very good for the health of the body. But besides consumed apples can also be used as masks to cope with excess oil diwajah. How, provide a an Apple and then puree and mixed with honey spoon 4-5. After both the ingredients well mixed and smooth then set mask, rinse with warm water after 25-30 minutes. Content of anti fat at Apple was able to lift the dirt diwajah at once eliminate acne.

4. Celery leaves

Celery is typically used for flavoring dishes by housewives, but his other cures celery that is very beneficial to remove excessive oil on the skin of the face. The trick is pretty easy i.e. you prepare just celery leaves that already dirajang until smooth to taste, then soak in hot water for approximately 20-30 minutes.
After that filter water and killings of the marinade then let stand again for approximately 25-30 minutes, just after that you apply cold water celery last kekulit your face. Allow it to soak and dry, then rinse with clean water. Do this twice a day on a regular basis in order to get maximum results.

5. Lemon

Lemons can also be a mainstay to overcome excessive oil on the skin of your face. Do I take one lemon fruit then cut and squeeze the water, because here we don't use her water but his skin. Paste the skin of lemons last on your face evenly with a little gentle massage, given after a 25-minute Please rinse with clean water. Repeat this 3 times in a week in order to get the best results. lemons can also be used to remove stubborn acne scars on the face.

Now that's some way to remove the oil naturally and permanently you can try at home so there is no need to worry and feel inadequate again. But for just an additional course that have oily skin also has its own advantages as I've described above i.e. one is awake skin balance and makes you more look young when the know how take care of him.
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