His Senses Of Nature

How To Remove The Sac Of The Eye Naturally

How To Remove Panda Eyes

Has the panda or also known as SAC black eyes and large will certainly make an appearance we tasted less appealing, especially if you are a woman. Panda is not really serious health problems and harm. But the existence of the SAC of the eye could be a sign that the body breaks the shortage can cause problems on the body, for example, you will feel tired more easily, could be a sign of low blood pressure. Although there have been many who have experienced the panda eyes, but still rare that applying the tips dispel pouches eye quickly. Usually a lot, anyway just let later also lost his own. And usually a lot of women use make-up to disguise panda eyes.

There are several factors identified as the causes of the emergence of the SAC of the eye. But one of the factors that are most numerous and most often we encounter is the lack of time to sleep. Someone who often experience lack of sleep, according to experts will have more melanin hormones. This hormone causes the appearance of panda eyes. In addition there are still some cause eye pouches, including crying, the age factor, too tired, anemia, dehydration, Sun terapapar, alkolhol, smoking and the use of make is too thick.

Next we will try to answer the question how to remove the SAC of the eye naturally and fast?. Actually lots of how to overcome the eye pouches you can practise. Such as beauty treatments at the salon or use beauty products. But there is an alternative way to resolve naturally panda eyes using materials surrounding us. Like bengkoang, cucumbers, ice cubes and potatoes. How to remove eye Pouch Black with these materials is also very easy, as seen in terms of price is also very cheap. Although this way of overcoming the panda eyes longer, but the results need not doubt.

How To Remove Panda Eyes Naturally

1. Compress with ice cubes

Try you note time match sport boxing. Usually during a break, Boxer will be compressed face especially the eyes using a washcloth dipped in water ice. Or using ice cubes have been included in the SAC. In addition if the hematoma is usually dikulit, we will be looking for the ice cubes to relieve hematoma. After having examined the experts, the use of ice to provide freshness for skin compresses an unused, and can be used to remove panda eyes.

  1. Prepare a few pieces of ice cubes
  2. Enter in the washcloth
  3. Paste the washcloth on the eyes, leave it on for 15 minutes.
  4. feel the sensation of cold refreshing on the eyes

2. potato Mask

One of the benefits of the potato in the world of beauty mask is can be used for whitening and tightening the skin. The use of the potato mask on face not only will eliminate the panda eyes, but also smooth wrinkles-wrinkles on the face.

  1. Peeled potato 1 piece kemudan puree
  2. Use the washcloth to wrap the potato mask
  3. Paste the washcloth on the area around the eyes
  4. Leave it on for 20 minutes, do it before bed and when morning bagun

3. Mask bengkoang

Previously I had written how to make masks bengkoang for skin care. You can use mask bengkoang not just to whiten the face, but also cope with the panda.

  1. Puree fruit bengkoang which had been shelled in net
  2. Wrap the washcloth with bengkoang mask
  3. Paste the washcloth at the eye area
  4. Dingn sensation of bengkoang will refresh Your eyes around the area again, so that the eye will feel more refreshed when viewing

4. tea bag Compress

How this is actually very easy and cheap. However many people do not know the efficacy of tea mask for skin care. Tea contains tannins that are useful to shrink pores and tighten skin naturally.

  1. Prepare two free tea pouches
  2. Dip pouches of tea on ice water
  3. Use tea pouches to close the eye area and leave on for 20 minutes

5. cucumber Slices

Cucumber fruit is a fruit that contains a lot of water. The way this one is certainly widely practiced. And it's been proven potency to remove panda eyes.

  1. Cut the cucumber-shaped, round, try not too thick and not too thin
  2. Paste the sliced cucumber on the eyes, with the most delicious sleep position
  3. Leave for 30 minutes to refresh the eye

6. Tomato Slices

Not just a cucumber that we can use to remove panda. How to remove eye pouch with tomatoes is also just as easy with a cucumber.

  1. Cut the tomatoes that are already prepared
  2. Then paste it on the area of the eye.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes to allow the cold sensation of refreshing cucumber eye black SAC hematoma and relieve eye.

7. The cold Spoon

Although sound odd, the way this is the way which is pretty effective and often used to cope with the panda. How melakukannyapun is quite simple, as follows:

  1. Prepare a tablespoon, make sure the spoon clean
  2. Soak the scoop in ice water for approximately 15 minutes
  3. Stick to the eye area to taste the chill runs out

That's 7 How to remove eye pouch naturally and quickly. To speed up the result and prevent the SAC of the eye POPs back up, start to implement a healthy lifestyle, one of them reasonably and sleep quality.

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