His Senses Of Nature

How To Treat Diabetes Naturally

How To Treat Diabetes Naturally
How To Treat Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes. Who is not familiar with the number one killer in the world? Successful claimed hundreds of lives in the world each year, diabetes becomes a scary Specter must beware. How does? the presence of the disease is often coupled with severe complications. No doubt, unyielding attitude and keep trying also became the main capital for diabetics to recover from his illness.

However, have you ever think that there are several ways to treat diabetes that actually you can do. Despite the diabetes that you suffer is compounded by the existence of other diseases. So, how can that be? Here's the secret to you.

1. Limit food nutrition that goes into the body

This kind of control is very important. Although weight for people with diabetes, there is no other way for you in addition to the strict advice of the doctor. Sufferers are required to account for any nutrition whatsoever that goes into the body. Fresh fruit and vegetables should you eat, as long as you keep the maximum amount of know how.

How to treat diabetes also performed with mmenghindari simple carbohydrates. Calorie food should not be more than 1500-2000 calories in per day.

If you are careless, it could be the step that You apply for it in vain.

2. Treat skin infections that plagued

People with diabetes are severe indeed risky. Skin problems that plagued the mental pressure yet again is a difficult obstacle to Your actions. Infections by viruses, bacteria, and fungus are easily grown due to obtain nutritional intake and excess blood sugar levels. Wear the medicines used to treat skin infections so that these problems can be reduced.

Make sure you go to a doctor and obtain a suitable drug to treat diabetes the right way.

3. Insulin Reaction

A diabetics who use insulin too much potentially makes it fast pale, sweaty, hungry, the pulse becomes rapid, and feel limp.

Treatment of this condition can be overcome by drinking orange or sugar. As for the more severe complications, you can inject glukogon that can raise blood sugar levels quickly.

4. The intake of Insulin

In addition to food, diabetics are also obliged to supply insulin to the body paying attention to them. Insulin doses are commonly given to them was U-40, U-80, and U-100. The numbers in the measure and determine the number of units of insulin in one mililiternya.

Use of insulin each day in accordance with the advice of a doctor. How to treat diabetes it will affect your daily activities. It is worth you should know anyway, that every dose got diabetics insulin.

5. Natural treatment

There is no harm for you apply herbal treatment. In addition to include ingredients that are easy to find, herbs are also usually cheaper cost than medical care. But compulsory law for you know where are the plants that fit and you should avoid.

A number of plants that you can take to complete improved diabetes include ginger, noni, gingseng, and decoction of Caulis. Note also the impact caused to the body. Don't get how to treat diabetes is failing because of Your negligence.

6. check to see the doctor

Please to do the examination to the doctor. Indispensable companion in treating chronic diseases. This handy tips so that you can monitor the development of the therapy or effort you undertake. Follow the direction given by the doctor, although the effects that you received is not fast. However the method you have to travel, all you need to accomplish for the sake of Your healing.

How to treat diabetes is not as easy as imagined. Therefore, tighten up the flavor of Your faith and patience against the Lord Almighty so that your prayers to recovered materialized.

How To Fix Hair Loss Naturally

How To Fix Hair Loss Naturally
How To Fix Hair Loss Naturally
Hair is a Crown for every human being, especially for women. Hair is considered also as a very important thing, besides can beautify a woman, hair can also be made to style for someone. Even though it's been an awful lot of hair care products which claimed to be able to resolve the severe hair loss, but it was still a lot of people prefer the traditional way using natural ingredients. Well, even though it uses only natural result turned out to be quite effective and certainly does not provide any side effects on the health of the hair.

Did you know that hair loss is natural and normal. At least we will experience hair loss as much as 40-120, while the number of strands of hair we can reach 100 thousand strands. But all of that will be wasted if you are experiencing hair loss. And if it is severe you may experience kebotakkan. Surely you don't want to experience it instead? Here I will describe some tips overcoming hair loss with a wide range of materials that can be easily found. What are that?

10 ways to Overcome hair loss

1. using Aloe Vera

Content in Aloe Vera turns out to be not only able to make hair become healthier, but also stronger and able to stimulate the growth of hair on your scalp. Before applying this way used to dampen your hair and wait until half dry. After that sweep the mucus found in the meat section of the Aloe Vera. Sweep on your hair and scalp, leave 15 to 20 minutes. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

2. The nuts

Pecan oil content able to make hair become more healthy, and black is able to resolve the problem of hair loss. Pecan oil content able to make hair roots become stronger, and able to stimulate hair to grow on the skin of your head. How to use it: with menyangrai the nuts already pounded rough. After roasted peanuts mashed until smooth and then pull out the oil. Next sweep the Pecan oil on your hair. The last step i.e. kramas with shampoos so that your hair is clean.

3. Avocado Fruit

The next way is to utilize the fruits of avocado. You can use the fruit as avocado hair mask, because the protein content in the fruit of this one is very effective to strengthen the hair and being able to give nutrients to your hair. In addition to being able to strengthen the hair, they are also capable of stimulating the growth of your hair. Do I simply smooth avocado fruit then balurkan on the hair and your scalp. Let stand 20 minutes then rinse with shampoo in order to clean.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the ingredients that can be used to address the problem of hair loss. It's easy, you can rub it on the skin of the head and allow 10 to 15 minutes. This way apply 2 to 3 times a week until you get the results you want.

5. Essential oils

Some essential oils are proven to be able to cope with hair loss i.e. like olive oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil. You can membalurkan essential oil on your hair and scalp to taste and also do massage. The application regularly twice a week can give you maximum results.

6. Garlic

How namely puree garlic and use it as a hair mask. After the dibalurkan wait for a few minutes and the last step i.e. shampooing your hair using shampoo in order to clean.

7. Green tea

The way this one quite easily, i.e. make it a hot green tea as usual and wait for it to cool. After the cold water the tea basuhkan throughout your hair. Let sit approx 1 hour and rinse your hair with the shampoo.

8. Ginger

Ginger also can address your hair loss, almost the same way as using garlic. Or you can also combine both mixed in a blender. Then apply it on your hair. (don't forget the shampooing).

9. Lemon

Lemons are identical for throat pain remedy turned out to also be able to cope with hair loss. With some fruit lemon, you can already do the hair loss treatment naturally. It's easy, simply slice the fruit into some lemon slices, and sweep on the scalp. If you have dandruff, it is also effective to get rid of dandruff quickly. After you pass them over evenly, let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse and shampoo to clean.

10. Hair Tonic

If you have more money you probably can buy hair tonic. Now hair tonic is already provided in a variety of brands. Live where you choose the most flattering hair tonic and made from natural ingredients, one of them red ginseng hair tonic.

That's 10 natural ingredients to address your hair loss. Don't forget to keep our hair health, especially for women. Because hair is our Crown.

How To Treat Gout Naturally

How To Treat Gout Naturally
How To Treat Gout Naturally
Gout is a disease that is very troubling activities everyday. This is caused by the symptoms of pain, swelling, and a sense of heat in the joints due to due to a buildup of uric acid substances so as to make the sufferer has difficulty moving.

Before moving on to how to treat gout, surely it's good we must first know some foods and beverages that can cause uric acid which in derita is getting worse. It is closely related to the healing process of uric acid, because it would be so useless You are consuming drugs of uric acid but not avoid food abstinence of uric acid.

And here are some food abstinence of uric acid that you should avoid:

Food Abstinence Of Uric Acid

1. the Offal

You like eating tripe, rempela, kikil, liver, and other body organs? If Yes, please avoid these foods if you want Your gout is not getting worse.

2. Seafood

Sea food is food that must be avoided of abstinence.

3. Beef

Beef contain purin and cholesterol that can trigger the onset of gout so that food is extremely compulsory to avoid.

4. Sardine

Same thing with beef, sardines also contain purin that can trigger gout

5. Alcohol

An alcoholic beverage is a drink that can trigger increased levels of uric acid in the body

Causes Of High Uric Acid

1. the age factor

As already explained above, little people with age above 30 years very vulnerable affected uric acid. Usually occurs earlier in men, while for women usually occurs after menopause phase. Though not all people experience uric acid disease, however you need to keep Your body with good health since young.

2. Drug side effects

Causes of uric acid that is the next because of drug side effects, this is what will happen if you are not selective in the use of drugs. It is usually caused due to chemical drugs are indeed often used. So that's the use of traditional medicines or herbal remedies more advisable than with chemical medicines.

3. Hereditary factors

Uric acid is also one of a disease that could be lowered, the risk of someone who has a family history of gout pain is higher than others. However even if you have a family history of suffering from gout, you can prevent it by running a healthy living patterns since I was young.

4. The food is not healthy

In addition to some of the above causes, uric acid can also be caused because of unhealthy food. This is often not understood by most people, even though the factors of most major human health lies in what dikonsumsinya. Consuming unhealthy foods will trigger a rise in uric acid, although it does not occur directly.

5. Consuming too much alcohol and Carbonated Drinks

Rosella flower have a beneficial essential protein to treat gout. You can mengonsumsinya directly or merebusnya in advance.

How To Naturally Treat Ambeien

How To Naturally Treat Ambeien
7 How to treat Hemorrhoids Naturally
Ambeien or hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs that is caused by disorders of the widening of the vein (vein) in the rectum. The disease is generally suffered by people who are mostly sitting.

Disease ambeien or hemorrhoids can actually be prevented by way of getting used to the water for a minimum of 2.5 litres a day, consuming fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruit, as well as doing exercise to stimulate bowel movements.

7 How to treat Hemorrhoids Naturally

1. Skin mangosteen

Right now, the Middle purple fruit into warm talks in various circles. Not because it tastes delicious and sweet, but part of her skin that contains many exceptional benefits in healthcare.

Have the benefits of effective in treating a variety of ailments including diseases ambeien. No wonder, many find the product to cure leather ambeien mangosteen.

Now, you can make your own ambeien herbal remedy by way of boiling the mangosteen rind that has previously been in the drain first. Water consumption the mangosteen rind decoction on a regular basis so that you can fade ambeien recovered.

2. Daun sirsak

You can see the use of the herb soursop leaves as a treatment alternative are increasing sharply. Did you know, the good news of this soursop leaves you can make use for herbal drugs ambeien.

How to make it any easier, prepare approximately 10 sheets soursop leaves already washed clean. After that, the leaves are boiled together with 3 cups of water to a boil. Allow it to leave the water roughly two glasses only. You can heal Your ambeien with drinking a concoction of soursop leaves as morning and evening on a regular basis.

3. Aloe Vera 

In addition can be used to care for the hair, it turns out that Aloe Vera can also be used to Your herbal remedy ambeien. The trick, take a few stems of Aloe Vera, wash clean and then puree using a blender. After becoming the juice, add the gambir and norit powder to taste and mix well. If it is, you can apply the herb on the area of the anus or bump Your ambeien.

You can also do the other way. Puree grated using Aloe Vera, then add a glass of hot water and 2 tablespoons honey. After stirring, you can filter it and drank the filter results.

4. Plant cocor duck 

Did you know, that plants have an effect farmatolgis beber cocor for anti inflammation, stop the bleeding and reduce the swelling.

To make herb herbal remedy ambeien using this plant you can mneyiapkan approximately 20 leaves cocor duck, clean washing and then under-anginkan up to dry. After that, you can menumbuknya until smooth to finely powdered is formed.

Way of serving, the herb seduh in one cup of hot water added with honey according to your taste. The herb consumption 3 times a day for a makismal.

5. Leaves Handeuleum (Purple Leaves) 

In the area of the island, handeuleum leaves called Karatong, while Bali might call temen. herbal remedy ambeien handeuleum has the latin name Latya Graptophyllum pictum b. Griffith. In ancient times, this plant is often made of raw vegetables or steamed in to could also be made of vegetables.

If you want to utilize the leaves to reduce handeuleum ambeien, you can prepare a 7 leaves handeuleum, 1 teaspoon ground fennel and a half fingers pulosari segment. After that, boil all the ingredients with 2 cups of water and boil until remaining 1 cups only.

For sufferers of ambeien stadium 3-4, you can take it 3 times a day. As for mild hemorrhoid you could drink the decoction of 2 times in a day. So that more delicious, you can add slices of temulawak on decoction of yesteryear.

6. Flower pagoda 

Not many know that the flower pagoda has efficacy to heal ambeien. The flowers on this one probably already you'll ever see, but you do not know the name of these flowers drai.

Now, you can make herbal medicine herb ambeien using flower pagoda nanyinya ambeien You can reduce symptoms. Combine the flower pagoda with water as much as 2 cups. After that you can merebusnya for approximately 20 minutes. When will consume the potions you can add honey when consumption in the morning and evening.

7. The roots of Ipomoea aquatica 

Did you know that water spinach is believed to have since used to help relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids. And the most great Kale for herbal medicine root section i.e. ambeien kangkung unplug. You can select the root sprouts unplug, clean washing and then simmer until wilted. Application, you can use boiled water last to use to wash and clean the anus found lumps ambeien.

In addition to serving above, You could also be present in other ways such as: 

1.Take some handheld root sprouts, then add 1 teaspoon of the fennel, pulosari ½ sections fingers. Boil all ingredients together with a 2-3 glass of water until leaves 1 cup only. Let stand briefly to rather cold, strain the herb and consumption 2 times in a day.

2.Take a small handful of clean and wash the root sprouts and boil together 3 cups of water to boil and set aside 1.5 cups. You can consume half a glass every day.

3.Urang aring
Plants useful for aring urang nourish hair to make it look thicker and healthier. But behind these benefits, it turns out that urang-aring has another benefit as a medicinal herb ambeien.

For meraciknya, prepare fruit 7 urang aring, 7 leaves iler, 7 sheets will patikan china and 1 piece of wood ules. Boil all ingredients together with one glass of water to the boil, then strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey.

For maximum results, consume this aring potion urang twice daily in the morning and evening.

How To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

How To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally
6 natural ingredients to eliminate Stretch marks
What are stretch marks? Perhaps for those of you who have never order this disorder is somewhat sound familiar. Perngertian stretch mark is often associated with a type of cellulite. But both have different meanings. If cellulite is excess fat that looks stand out in the part of the skin. While itself a stretch mark scars-scars arising due to perenggangan on the skin of the body.

Stretch marks are actually not only appear on pregnant or post-birth, but can occur in children, teens to adults. As for the cause that brought about in addition to excessive skin perenggangan were too much food-calorie eating, lack of nutrients as well as the consumption of drugs with high content of steroids. Here's how to eliminate stretch marks that can be done.

6 natural ingredients to eliminate Stretch marks

1. Brown 

Eliminate streth mark can use chocolate. You should provide fresh unsweetened chocolate powder. Make it like a paste or cream but not too liquid. Later, smeared chocolate paste results into the affected skin streth mark. Let stand in advance for 15-30 minutes, subsequently rinsed with water until clean. Apply the method of this one after bath regularly at least 2 times a day sealam 2 months.

2. Coffee 

Your regular coffee drinking is also helpful in overcoming both stretch marks, especially on the part of the thigh and abdomen. So the result is optimal then the more visible use coffee ore crushed in advance. Means not the coffee already brewed sweet or coffee that has been mixed with other materials. For pure coffee mix of processing with warm water to form a paste. Apply to troubled area i.e. stretch marks.

3. Cocoa 

butter Cocoa butter is a type of fat that comes from the cocoa tree. Cocoa butter now has been widely used by the cosmetic manufacturers to make products skin beauty care, as one is lotions and sun block. Use these natural ingredients to eliminate stretch marks on your thighs and stomach, do I just put it on before bed and after waking up at least 2 times a day.

4. Lemon 

The natural acid in a lemon can treat problems of the skin, including stretch marks, burns even acne problems. So, you need not doubt for menggunakna lemon. The way that is done by splitting into 2 parts lemon, then apply it in a circular at the exposed skin stretch marks leave on for 10 minutes and then rinsed with warm water.

5. Castor oil 

Castor oil which is derived from Jatropha and already very popular at one time believed since antiquity. One is able to treat stretch marks. This proved to be the content of collagen and mineral nutrients found in castor oil. The trick is fairly easy with only mengusapkan castor oil to the impact of the stretch marks. Let stand for 30 minutes.

6. sugar 

You can make sugar as a natural scrub in overcoming the bad skin. Proven beauty products of various types of sugar used more familiar process called exfoliasi. Do I mix the sugar with honey, then rub it on the area slowly stretch marks after the bath. It is aimed more at maximum.
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