One example of the symptoms of premature aging is graying or grow grey hair at the scalp. Even accompanied other disorders such as memory decline, staminta easily exhausted, often sick and bone joint problems. The main causes of grey hair is the declining human growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Well, to that, immediately pick your hair gray hair at a young age with natural materials as follows.
How To Naturally Overcome Hair Gray Hair Early On
1. Leaves Shoes
Leaf shoes that contain polyphenols and Saponins are beneficial to cope with grey hair. Enough to provide shoes to taste leaves and wash clean. Then, puree the leaves and add a little shoe. It was only screened for stored in a sealed bottle. You can also provide a little juice of orange juice to be more optimal. Use the herb leaves shoes as apply in the hair, wait 30 minutes and rinse clean.
2. Flower Shoes
Besides the leaves, you can also use the flower that is able to eliminate grey hair at the hair. Take several strands of petal shoes and blend afterwards. Heat coconut oil in approximately 200 ml, and mix those flower shoes into coconut oil. Allow the oil to cool and store the herb on the bottle. At night use for smearing the hair from roots to ends.
3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural herb that is pretty powerful in addressing the problem of white hair at a young age. You just membalurkan coconut oil and memijatnya on top of the scalp, so make your scalp feels more moist and stay healthy. In addition, coconut oil also contains antioxidants that are able to prevent gray hair grow back. Therefore, there is no harm in using coconut oil is cheaper this festive.
4. Pecan Oil
Try applying the Pecan as a natural ingredient in exterminating gray hair on the head. The first step of the roasted pecans, then puree until oil comes out. You can directly apply to the scalp hair until evenly distributed. Let stand about 15 minutes to allow the content of pecan oil seep into, then rinse using plain water to clean. Do regularly because Pecan can take care of the health of the hair.
5. Papaya Seeds
Papaya seeds are utilized to eliminate gray hair early on. To use the papaya seeds you need to just clean the seeds from papaya fruit and wash to clean. The papaya seeds are roasted, then mashed papaya seeds already roasted peanuts last until smooth. Add a little coconut oil to taste until evenly blended, then apply it thoroughly into the hair. The lid using a towel and let stand for about 2 hours, then rinse until clean.
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