Diabetes. Who is not familiar with the number one killer in the world? Successful claimed hundreds of lives in the world each year, diabetes becomes a scary Specter must beware. How does? the presence of the disease is often coupled with severe complications. No doubt, unyielding attitude and keep trying also became the main capital for diabetics to recover from his illness.
However, have you ever think that there are several ways to treat diabetes that actually you can do. Despite the diabetes that you suffer is compounded by the existence of other diseases. So, how can that be? Here's the secret to you.
1. Limit food nutrition that goes into the body
This kind of control is very important. Although weight for people with diabetes, there is no other way for you in addition to the strict advice of the doctor. Sufferers are required to account for any nutrition whatsoever that goes into the body. Fresh fruit and vegetables should you eat, as long as you keep the maximum amount of know how.
How to treat diabetes also performed with mmenghindari simple carbohydrates. Calorie food should not be more than 1500-2000 calories in per day.
If you are careless, it could be the step that You apply for it in vain.
2. Treat skin infections that plagued
People with diabetes are severe indeed risky. Skin problems that plagued the mental pressure yet again is a difficult obstacle to Your actions. Infections by viruses, bacteria, and fungus are easily grown due to obtain nutritional intake and excess blood sugar levels. Wear the medicines used to treat skin infections so that these problems can be reduced.
Make sure you go to a doctor and obtain a suitable drug to treat diabetes the right way.
3. Insulin Reaction
A diabetics who use insulin too much potentially makes it fast pale, sweaty, hungry, the pulse becomes rapid, and feel limp.
Treatment of this condition can be overcome by drinking orange or sugar. As for the more severe complications, you can inject glukogon that can raise blood sugar levels quickly.
4. The intake of Insulin
In addition to food, diabetics are also obliged to supply insulin to the body paying attention to them. Insulin doses are commonly given to them was U-40, U-80, and U-100. The numbers in the measure and determine the number of units of insulin in one mililiternya.
Use of insulin each day in accordance with the advice of a doctor. How to treat diabetes it will affect your daily activities. It is worth you should know anyway, that every dose got diabetics insulin.
5. Natural treatment
There is no harm for you apply herbal treatment. In addition to include ingredients that are easy to find, herbs are also usually cheaper cost than medical care. But compulsory law for you know where are the plants that fit and you should avoid.
A number of plants that you can take to complete improved diabetes include ginger, noni, gingseng, and decoction of Caulis. Note also the impact caused to the body. Don't get how to treat diabetes is failing because of Your negligence.
6. check to see the doctor
Please to do the examination to the doctor. Indispensable companion in treating chronic diseases. This handy tips so that you can monitor the development of the therapy or effort you undertake. Follow the direction given by the doctor, although the effects that you received is not fast. However the method you have to travel, all you need to accomplish for the sake of Your healing.
How to treat diabetes is not as easy as imagined. Therefore, tighten up the flavor of Your faith and patience against the Lord Almighty so that your prayers to recovered materialized.