His Senses Of Nature

How To Remove Dandruff Naturally

How To Remove Dandruff Naturally
Although many anti dandruff shampoo once sold in the market, there are still many who are not satisfied with the results given by the anti dandruff shampoo because it is still a lot of dandruff. Especially if the shampoo does not fit with our scalp, dandruff will increasingly make even to much more. Therefore the use of natural ingredients to become one of the best solutions for you.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is a State where the head of the dead skin and dries. Reasonable course there are actually dead and scalp flaking. But in some people, these problems become more severe and cause head itch. Dandruff that causes itching on the head making we often scratched their heads. Selan it the appearance of dandruff can also cause other problems on our heads, for example, easy hair loss and hair becomes dry. Then how do I eliminate stubborn dandruff?

Causes of dandruff and how to overcome it

Most causes of dandruff is caused due to the use of a shampoo that does not match the type of scalp us. Have you ever used the shampoos but instead feels the heat in scalp?. Further causes of dandruff can be caused due to the presence of fungi that grow on the scalp. Hot weather can also be a cause of the appearance of dandruff in the head. Even the rest of the shampoo is not rinsed clean can also cause the appearance of dandruff. And a habit of tying the hair while wet not only can cause dandruff, but also make our heads often feels heavy and throbbing pain-throbbing pain.

The existence of the stubborn dandruff does not make us confident. Moreover, when using a dark colored clothing. Dandruff often loss and falling on our clothes. But you don't need to be concerned, because we will share how potent eliminates dandruff in the hair. Check out more information below

There are several natural dandruff remedies commonly used ancient people to care for the health of her hair. Not only to get rid of dandruff, but the following ingredients can also eliminate the itching on the head, nourish hair, blacken the hair and smooth hair.

Thus, natural ingredients could help overcome dandruff? check out the reviews below:

How To Remove Dandruff With Natural Materials

1. Olive oil

Olive oil can be easily we buy at the nearest minimarket. How to pengggunaanya is also very easy. apply olive oil on the hair, try to hit the scalp. Because the this is problematic. Do not forget to give a massage gently in order to easily percolate. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water as biasnya. For the more easy it is to do 30 minutes before showering.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has the characteristic nature of cold that can refresh the scalp. Aloe Vera meat puree to taste, then flatten the surface of the scalp. Massage to Aloe Vera eases up on the scalp. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse until clean.

3. Lime and coconut milk

Combine both of these ingredients as a natural remedy to get rid of dandruff. Next apply on hair and make sure to touch the scalp. Rinse until clean after being silenced for 20 minutes.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar is commonly used for food. Did you know that ternayta powerful enough vinegar to get rid of dandruff on the scalp. Vinegar is an acidic substance, with abrasive use of cuka we will be easy to remove the dead skin that is chipped. You should be careful when using white vinegar. Never too much in its use.

5. Baking Soda

Of course we are familiar with baking soda that we normally use to make bread. However to note, don't be too much and too often use baking soda. The way of using them is also very easy, just mix baking soda with warm water. Then apply it on the scalp.

6. Lemon

Fruit that are familiar, the hallmark of this fruit has a bright yellow color. How to remove dandruff with lemon is also very easy. Squeeze the lemon and then use to wash their head. Make sure the juice of lemon on the scalp.

7. Pandan leaves

Pandan leaves are commonly used to dye natural or green to boost the food. But this time we will use panda leaves to overcome dandruff naturally. Puree leaves panda, if necessary we could mash until smooth. Do not use the blender, with enough ground. then add a little warm water and rinse the head with the juice of pandanus leaves.

8. Water spinach

Kale is one of the usual food ingredients used for cooking. But it turns out the sprouts can also be utilized to create a cure dandruff. Boiled Kale leaves with 2 glasses of water, use water to wash the hair of this stew and head.

9. Red Onion

Formerly the Javanese people always give red onion mixed then placed on the baby's head to warm up baby. Turns out this can we follow to eliminate stubborn dandruff quickly. Puree onion, or simply halve the onion into two. Then apply it on the scalp. Ask for the help of thy friends or family if you feel difficulty.

10. Leaves of Neem

The way of using them is to boil neem leaves 2 sheets with one glass of water. Use the water to wash the surface of the juice results scalp us.

11. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil anti fungal in nature. Usage is also very easy. Simply enter a tablespoon tea tree oil and mixed with one cup of warm water. Then spray on the area of the head.

12. Salt

His pace is very easy, simply moisten beforehand we head with clean water. Then sprinkle a bit of salt and rub on the scalp. bersungsi salt as a natural scrub to remove dead skin cells. Then rinse and shampoan to clean.

13. Almond oil

How to use almond oil is the same with olive oil. Simply DAB evenly over almond oil on the scalp.

14. Fill the intake of Nutrients

One of the causes of the emergence of dandruff is because of lack of nutrients our hair. Therefore fill the needs of good nutrition through food or health product use.

15. Pecan Oil

Pecan oil already for a long time known as a natural material to solve the problem on the hair like dandruff, hair loss and dull hair.

That's 15 how to eliminate dandruff naturally and quickly. Pick one and do it regularly. Karilyn overcoming stubborn dandruff dalma help in your head.

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