How To Whiten Skin
It has a white face and glow is a dream for everyone, especially womenfolk. For a woman will definitely want it feels it has a white face and clean so that adds to the confidence when performing publicly. Now many who spend a lot of money just to whiten the face to make it look more perfect.
Many of us who prefer a way to whiten the face rapidly through injecting drugs or consume white to whiten face skin. But actually you don't need struggled like that, simply by following the quick guide how to whiten the face in a natural way has seen its benefits. In addition to saving costs, as well as minimize infection against drugs or other harmful substances that can cause harmful side effects.
It's an awful lot of ways to whiten face, whether it's on the internet, books, magazines and more. However, the most commonly used way is to do a skin therapy clinic-click on a beauty, but for you who prefer treating the face itself using natural ingredients, you can follow the tips that we will share to you.
Apparently not the tablets to treat skin, there are several types of facial skin that you should know. the first one that is standard on the level of normal skin, the skin of this one there are rarely problems. How to whiten and her treatment is also quite simple with her moisture.
Now for the second type of skin, is a kind of oily skin, skin type it is highly vulnerable exposed skin diseases such as acne easily arise at any time, so that treatment any more difficult is to wash your face every day with support specific face care.
This third type of skin that is dry skin, the skin of this type more to keep kelembapannya that is by way of a special moisturizer to keep the skin in order to keep white and clean. If you already know about the types of skin, then it's time to try a way to whiten your body according to the type of your skin:
How to whiten the skin of the face and body with natural materials
1. Wear a Potato
The way is with memarut potatoes until smooth, then squeeze the potatoes to get her Sari. Then take the juice and then apply on the area around the face or other body parts. then let sit in advance until approximately 20 minutes and then wash using lukewarm water and forwarded with cold water. This way is very effective if you apply them routinely, i.e. just before you sleep. The use of potato material is suitable for all those who have normal skin types.
2. With Lemon
In the lime content, there is a good antioxidant for skin health. Lime juice is also beneficial to shrink pores and remove acne scars on the skin of the face.
Usage that is you have to prepare one lime and one chicken eggs. Lime squeezed then water mixed with egg white perasannya. Then lulurkan the mixture evenly on the skin area. Let sit approx approx 20 mins then wash your face with a clean using warm water. How to whiten face skin with this method is very good for those who have oily skin face type. You can also use a special honey to this skin type.
3. Use Bengkoang
Are familiar to hear bengkoang, fruit bengkoang are rich in vitamin B and C are very instrumental to whiten as well as to keep the facial skin so clean, clear and makin look beautiful for womenfolk.
It's easy with memarut fruit bengkoang and memerasnya to take her Sari. After that, the sari that already accumulated and then let first so there is a sludge-deposition in the cider.
Well deposition which is used as a natural face masks for the care of your skin, and let more or less for 15 minutes. subsequently rinse using clean water. If you routinely do it this way then the clean white face your dream is not a dream anymore. How this fits in to apply to for you who have dry skin types. In addition to fruit bengkoang, you also can use other natural ingredients such as banana and avocado.
4. using Milk
Milk is a rich source of calcium. Besides calcium, milk also has an important function in regulating the skin color of the face. milk work stimulates the melanocytes, the skin cells that produce the pigment melanin. by consuming milk may help prevent its disappearance rates of moisture to the skin of the face. This can prevent dry skin which can cause darkening of the face skin color. Milk also contains lactic acid that reduces pigmentation on the skin which makes the skin feel lighter. Milk can also be used to whiten underarm skin quickly.
How to wear it by setting up a bowl of milk cows or goats are still warm and clean Duster. Soak a washcloth into the milk, take a washcloth and then wring the cloth rubbing then gently into the skin. Dip again and rub gently, repeat this process is approximately four to five times. If you are consistent in doing it this way then the result will be visible in a few weeks. This way is suitable for dry skin types.
It turns out that Yogurt is rich in lactic acid and also has skin Whitener that treat hyper-pigmentation of the skin by pressing the production of melanin. Anathema acid contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAS). AHA itself serves to clean and also raised the dead skin cells and can lighten the face. You can get yagurt in a nearby supermarket.
How to use it is also quite easy, pour yogurt (plain, buy the unflavored) to the container. then apply evenly on your skin with a massage-a massage gently. Leave it for 4-5 minutes then rinse using warm water. You can repeat these steps every day to get maximum results.
Now that's some way to whiten the face and body with naturally that you can try at home, perhaps one of the ways that we wrote in this article exist that match your skin type. If you've tried it and it still hasn't worked, maybe our product recommendations below could be another option that is worth a try.
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